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RhoQuantum the world's best quantum computer simulator

So the project is currently still under active development, but John has finished revision 1 of the prototype! The project is hosted on gitlab, RhoQuantum.

It looks like this at the moment: picture of rhoquantum prototype board

Basically there are 19 'Qubits' arranged in a hexagon in the centre-right of the board, they each have 1 (incredibly bright) LED, which we are using to represent the quantum state of the qubit.

The code to model quantum side of the project is written in very simple C at the moment, it's based on the rather more complex C++ code that we used in the first version of this project that ran on a Raspberry Pi, (PiQuantum)[]

I'll add some more info and maybe a demo when I fix all the bugs. There are many.

PiQuantum - The original

I don't think we ever wrote about our (mine and John's) work on PiQuantum, which I think is a shame, so here you go I will mention and link to it.

I had to put the KICAD render of PiQuantum here because it looks cool! picture of
piquantum I actually don't think we have any finished pictures of PiQuantum, it's now residing at the University of Bristol (somewhere).